Thursday, February 22, 2007

Women in Botswana

Botswana is located in Southern Africa. There has been said that close to half of 37.2 million adults living with HIV are women, according to new UNAIDS/WHO report in Botswana. In Botswana, men and women are not treated equally. This has been a major problem in the past years that have come. Most of the things that happen in Botswana is because their opportunities are not divided among the men and woman who live there.Women have more constraints on time than men.

In 2003, 37% of pregnant women in Botswana were infected with HIV. The cases have gotten worse ever year. The clinics offered lots of prenatal screenings, therefore there were a large majority of women found to have the disease. Women are brutally beaten and raped by their male partners daily. The environment and living conditions are very significant to the well being of the population. Being that the women have to go every where by foot.

Women in Botswana are having a double career as professionals and mothers are often judged as less able to perform their scientific work. By the time they go to college, many young women lose confidence in themselves and, especially, in their ability to do math and science. In the work place, Women are discriminated because men think women can't do good enough work as men, most of the work that women in Botswana are pursuing jobs such as teaching and engineering. Men appreciate women working lower than them to make them feel better.

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