Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese Poetry

1. The first poem appealed to me the most was the poem called: "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter."

2. I would describe the relationship between the speaker (which is the wife) and her husband a to early relationship. They got married at the age of fourteen and he left at the age of sixteen, but the relationship is very loving.

3. The speaker's feelings in the second poem called: " Still, Night Thoughts" i thoughts was wanting to be home because the speaker says how he dreams o home.

4. The effects that the waterfall has on the speaker in " Gazing to the Lu Mountain Waterfall" would be, the way it's calm, at rest, beautiful.

5. Visualizing the events that happened in the poems made it easier to understand the poems and maybe even pictured the people.

6. The speakers feelings in " The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter" were much deeper than the feelings in the other poem. A difference was the other poem talked about how the leaves felt.

7.People today view nature as a relaxing thing. It helps you when you are very stressed. People rely on nature for many things but most of all for it's beauty.

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