Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Drop of Milk

1. Were the things created alive with a soul and thoughts?

2. In the story or myth, the world was created from a drop of milk, then later on, a creator god, Doondari, came and created the stone. Then so on and so forth.

4. I would interpret the events as showing that everything that was created is connected in some way, because the first part says that stone create iron, and iron created fire and so on.

5. Because there is nothing left to defeat because all the other creations had been defeated by each other, and only death remains.

6. The human truths that I find in this myth was death; which happens to anyone,blindness, and sleep. I also find that the creations have human feelings such as pride and worry.

7. If man had not been proud, there would have been no need for Doondari to create bad things such blindness, worry, sleep, or death. Then man could have lived happy and free from these things that cause them pain.

8. In A Drop Of Milk, in the beginning, The was a drop of milk, In the Bible, God created Heaven and Earth. In Hebrew, there was already a being creating the world, and in a drop of milk, a drop of milk existed.

9. The Drop of Milk myth doesn't make any sense because how can death exists because of worry was to proud

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