Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egyptian Literature

2. I could describe the tone/attitude of Nu's speech was very modest.... which i thought was very good.

3.The speaker thinks Ra should be praised because when the Egyptian god of the sun rises, everything comes to life, everything wakes up. When the sun setts, all the world goes bleak, without the sun everything is dead.

4. The speaker's dreaming of herself standing like a bride beside her love because she can't wait to see him. She is planning on seeing him and has been counting on this special moment to happen.

6. The selection I thought gave me the strongest sense of the speaker as a person was "Whenever I leave you, I go out of breath. The way the speaker describes the way they lust for each others love, the person's kisses and the way they feel when the people are not together are indescribable.

7. In the poems: I'm going downstream on Kingswater Canal & Whenever I leave you, I go out of breath; they differ because in the first poem, she talks about how she can't wait to be reunited with her love and the second one states she can't be without her love.

8. The way Egyptians prepared for death is some what similar to what we do. They hurt the way we do but at the same time they don't want to lose a loved one.

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